Charles Schwab may just seem like another financial institution, but if you look a little closer you may be surprised at what they offer. First off, it's helpful to keep a separate bank account for traveling as you can see exactly what you are spending on your trip and keeps your travel funds organized. While traveling a few years ago, we met a couple who mentioned a bank in their country that with a minor fee per month they could withdraw an unlimited amount of money and be reimbursed for the fees incurred, which made us look for a similar option in a US bank. Then after some research we found Charles Schwab.
Why we love it:
It’s Free
There is no cost for
setting up the account. No annual fees. No fees for transferring from
one bank account to another.
Reimburse ATM Fees
It’s true. All ATM fees.
Anywhere in the world! Seriously. For those of you who have traveled
using a debit card you know those fees add up. Especially if you have
a small budget. The fees can add up to around 10 percent per
withdrawal. That can be around ten dollars or almost one whole day of
travel per each $100 you withdraw. Charles Schwab charges you no fees
at all and then the fees the other bank, or the ATM charges you,
which you still have to pay are reimbursed by sweet Charles at the
end of the month. What a guy! I’ve searched and searched and it
seems that is one of the only banks that offers you that without any
fees on top of it!
But that’s not all...